This weekend, I think I hit a milestone. Something I've seen coming in this novel and probably rewritten about ....9 times. I call it the crossing, cause we're going from one location to another. Both locals are awesome but getting from one to the other--chaotic! Lot's of death and pills and craziness. But I decided to give you all a taste, cause this needs to be shared with the world. So from my word binge to your computer screen:
Buildings poke from the
ground, small stubs jabbing at the grey sky over heard. An accusation or
statement that says we’re still here and we’re still building. The fence
encircling the city is unlike any one I have ever seen. Chain link, razor
wire sandwich thick metal poles, creating a net of safety net the likes of
which I’ve never seen.
The car has stopped in front of
these, but behind us rise yet another impossible sandwich of metal and
barbed-wire. Several people in suits sit
at a desk with a person in a white coat.
Ms. Norberry, removes a briefcase from the trunk of the car. Digging around inside she hands a stack of bills to the driver.
There you have it folks! The City (yeah I'm working on the title). What a new playground to discover corruption and conspiracy in! Plus Foxtrot might, and I mean MIGHT, wear a dress at some point. And there is some more kissing and some more hunting, and some more info about the infection. It makes me slightly excited.
But only slightly.
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